How to install IIS using Windows CMD


This knowledge base provides step-by-step instructions on how to install Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) on a Windows operating system using the Command Prompt (CMD).


  • We can reduce the process of installing IIS to a one-line command. It can be done in Windows Command Prompt.
  • Type cmd in the search bar and the top result should be Command Prompt. Click on Run as administrator.

  • Type in the command DISM /online /enable-feature /featureName:IIS-DefaultDocument /All and press Enter.

  • You’ll see a progress bar appear. Once it reaches 100.0% and you see the message, “The operation completed successfully.” you can close the Command Prompt. IIS is installed.


You have successfully installed IIS on your Windows operating system using the Command Prompt.

Note: The exact commands and procedures may vary slightly depending on your Windows version. Ensure that you have administrative privileges to perform these actions.

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