How to change the RDP port number on a Windows server

Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is a widely used protocol for remote access to
Windows Server. By default, RDP uses port 3389 to communicate with other devices.
However, changing the RDP port can help enhance the security of your Windows Server.
In this article, we will explain how to change the RDP port on Windows Server.

Step 1: Opening “Registry Editor”

Sign in as an administrator. Click “start” then "search run”
Open the Registry Editor by typing "regedit" in the Run menu and pressing Enter.

Step 2: Navigate to registry key:

Click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE >> system >> current control set >> control >> Terminal
server >> Winstations >>RDP-Tcp

Step 3: Look for the “Port Number” entry and double-click on it to
modify the value.

Select RDP-Tcp, Right click Port Number >> Modify >> Select the “Decimal” option and
enter a new port number (between 1025 and 65535) you want to use for RDP
communication. Click "OK" to save the changes and close the Registry Editor.


Step 4: Adding port number to the firewall

Go to start click control panel Search for Windows Defender firewall, click Advanced

Step 4.1:

Click Inbound Rules to add a new rule >> port >> Specific Local port, mention the port
number >> Allow all connections >> Next >> Type the rule name >> Click Finish

Click Outbound Rules add a new rule >> port >> Specific Local port, mention the port
number >> Allow all connections >> Next >> Type the rule name >> Click Finish

Step 5: Restarting the Remote Desktop Service

Click Restart the Remote Desktop service by typing "services.msc" in the Start
menu>>Run and pressing Enter.
Locate the "Remote Desktop Services" service and right-click on it. Then, click on "Restart"


 After completing these steps, you should now be able to connect to your Windows Server
using the new RDP port number. When connecting, you will need to specify the new port
number in the Remote Desktop Client by appending a colon followed by the port number to
the server name or IP address. For example, if you set the new port number to 50000, the
address should look like this:

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